
Category Archives: Uncategorized

Don’t Fall For Fake Tech Support Pop-Ups
This is an addendum to my recent post about fake vendor tech support phone calls. Many of our clients have reported pop-ups on their computer, warning of a serious issue and instructing them to either click a link or call a phone number to have the “serious issue” resolved. Worse, many times the pop-ups can’t be closed,...
Refurbished Intel Desktop Towers

We have a number of refurbished Intel i3 and i5 towers that have come back from 2-year leases. The cases are in great condition and would make a great home or small office computer. Intel i3 or i5 3.4-3.8 Ghz Processor Intel Business Series Motherboard 8GB RAM 120GB Solid State Drive DVD-+RW 480W EarthWatts Powersupply Windows 10 Professional 32-bit or 64-bit 60-day Warranty...
Protect Yourself From Scam Phone Calls
Executive Summary You receive a call claiming to be from a trusted vendor, claiming they know of some serious issue with your computer that needs immediate attention. The caller asks for remote access to your computer to fix the issue, and asks for payment. These calls are scams-hang up. If you are too polite to hang up,...
Does Your Phone/Tablet Need Anti-Virus?
Everyone knows that your computer needs anti-virus protection. What about your phone or tablet? Phones and tablets are computers, and there are bad guys out there writing viruses and password-stealing programs, with the intention of stealing your money, holding your phone hostage for ransom, or stealing your list of contacts, pictures, etc. We have heard of...